Praise for “Broken Chances”

I'm beyond excited that my new book "Broken Chances" has received a 5-star review from Readers' Favorite. "Broken Chances is a work of fiction in the romance, slice-of-life, and women’s fiction subgenres. It is best suited to the general adult reading audience and contains some reference to emotional and physical abuse, but no graphic content.... Continue Reading →

Praise for “The Accidental Cop”

Grateful for a 5-star review of "The Accidental Cop" from Readers' Favorite. "The Accidental Cop by Eve Koguce is criminal fiction at its best. Roberts Bergs is a cop in 1990s Latvia, struggling to make ends meet. He’s cold, tired, hungry, and just trying to survive each day. Despite his struggles, he has a dream... Continue Reading →

What readers say about “Finding Your Way”

Reviews are a balm for the author's heart. I'd like to share some of them with you. “a love letter to Latvia” “an utterly captivating read which I demolished in three sittings” “wonderful characters, and a sprinkling of magical realism” “both uplifting and heartwarming” “a summer of growing up, change, chance, and challenge” “written in... Continue Reading →

Praise for “Shifting Directions”

“No one writes like Eve Koguce that I have ever read. Part lyrical, part philosophical, with a real appreciation for rich storytelling, reminiscent of a more classical style of writing, I have truly enjoyed Koguce’s lovely prose. This has been one of my favourite aspects of this incredible series.” I won’t lie. I shed a... Continue Reading →

Praise for “Neglected Merge”

An indie author’s life isn’t easy. In some aspects, it is extremely liberating and inspiring. While in others – well, it often feels like a struggle. A never-ending struggle for reviews, readers, more exposure for your books. And in the middle of this Sisyphean task, you stop and ask yourself: “Why am I putting myself... Continue Reading →

What’s new

I haven’t posted any updates on my books and my writing for a while. So, here are some news and figures. The Neglected Merge trilogy reached 76 rates/reviews on Amazon (book one – 63, book two – 8, book three – 5) and 118 rates/reviews on Goodreads (book one – 75, book two – 25,... Continue Reading →

Praise for “Neglected Merge”

It is the most special gift to receive a review from someone who has read the book you have written, rather than a book they expected to read. Review for "Neglected Merge", book one of the Neglected Merge trilogy. "Neglected Merge is a unique romantic fantasy that is beautifully written and a thoughtful exploration of... Continue Reading →

Praise for “Tangle of Choices”

Few things can make an indie author happier than a glowing review. I am not saying that famous and bestselling writers don’t care when they receive praise for their books, but still, I’ll allow myself the boldness to assume that there is a certain difference. Moreover, when the review comes from someone you admire, the... Continue Reading →

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