“Reckless Trust” by Susan Cochran

What a head-spinning journey through the world of the rich and famous reading this book has been! I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I am glad I already have the remaining two books of the series on my Kindle.

“Reckless Trust” by Susan Cochran ticks all the right boxes. Political intrigues that push people to do horrible things. Family secrets revealed after decades of staying buried under layers of lies. The shine and the beauty of the lifestyle of those who made it big in life.

Grace isn’t a regular adoptee. She didn’t have to go through the hardships of the foster care system we often see in tv series, movies, and books. She was adopted as an infant by a wealthy woman and had a wonderful life growing up. Grace is a lovely character, with all the naïve but likeable ideas to make a career without using her famous mom’s connections and influence.

A project at work leads Grace to take a DNA test. She cannot imagine how dramatically her life will change when she decides to contact her biological family.

The book is definitely a page-turner. As the story dug deeper into the characters’ pasts, I wanted to learn more. And it felt extremely satisfying when yet another secret that tickled my imagination was uncovered. I also enjoyed travelling with the characters between Washington DC, New York and the Bay Area, visiting formal dinners at the White House and the picturesque family ranch in rural California.

I appreciate that alongside the glamorous picture of what life is for those in the upper echelons, the author tackles acute social issues, such as a crime level rising and the dangers it poses to the less privileged.

I’m looking forward to learning what’s in store for Grace after the life-altering events of “Reckless Trust”.

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