“Niagara Falling” by Sheila Fowler

What a perfect combination of sweet romance and tear-jerker this book is! “Niagara Falling” by Sheila Fowler was exactly what I needed to escape the everyday stress by immersing myself in the story.

I liked everything about this feel-good book. The main setting – a tourist spot Niagara Falls – is my kind of place, with its natural grandeur and tourists sometimes performing weird escapades. And you can’t really go wrong with putting New York City in the plot. The same goes for dogs. There are some wonderful dogs in the book who take cuteness to a different level. The main characters’ families are such that you want to be adopted by them right away.

The love story is beautiful, with just the right dose of serious issues, steam, and ‘I wish it happened to me’ moments.

Elie is young, pretty, and a little careless about her expenses. Her day job is helping tourists who come to see the legendary waterfall, but her dream is to become an actress. The author did a great job portraying Elie authentically, giving her the naivete of a young woman. I loved Elie’s ‘voice’ while reading.  

Michael is a veterinarian who threw himself into helping pets and their owners after the loss of his wife.

When Elie and Michael meet, they cannot imagine where it would lead them. And so can’t we readers!

“Niagara Falling” is the kind of comfort read that will make the butterflies flutter in your stomach – in the most delicious way.

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