“Follow the Blue Rabbit” by Elena Carter

Can you tame your dreams? The chances are as slight as when you try to tame the reality. Especially since the dreams Tina, Alice, and others in the Dream Tamer Chronicles series by Elena Carter want to tame aren’t products of their imagination but real worlds.

Still, just as with the reality we live in, which at times succumbs to the will of the persistent, you can learn to change the worlds some can travel to in their dreams. But who will teach you if your teacher left you, having gone to one of those other worlds?

In “Follow the Blue Rabbit”, book two of the Dream Tamer Chronicles, Tina feels more comfortable travelling to different worlds in her sleep. Some of these places are beautiful, and their inhabitants are friendly. Since learning about dangerous creatures she must avoid, Tina has been successful in keeping away from danger during her nocturnal trips. But when she learns that the most important world she has visited is in grave danger, she has no other way than to search for ways to learn about how she can influence what is going on in other realities.

“Follow the Blue Rabbit” is a tribute to a wonderful character we meet in book one. After Alice left, Tina couldn’t make herself read her friend’s diary. Although Tina knew that Alice was happy in her new life in a new world, her reluctance to read about Alice’s life was about the sadness Tina felt about losing Alice in their world.

Nothing is more motivating than the absence of choice. Tina doesn’t have one. Alice is in danger, and Tina is the only one who can help her. But can she find a way to help her friend? And another question is whether she can do it without putting herself in danger.

The Dream Tamer Chronicles series offers readers a rare gift: the one of escapism. You can literally get lost in mesmerising dreams, imagining the realms completely different from the world we live in. These realms can be dangerous. They can also be picturesque beyond belief. Travelling between dreamy worlds, Tina meets people whom she can’t meet in the real one anymore. She still has to uncover the laws these worlds live by.

In the meantime, a plan of changing her life forever is forming in her head. But before she can explore the path her friend Alice has taken, she has another important mission to complete. Tina’s friends seem to be a magnet for trouble, and now, she has to put herself in danger again to save another friend…

It’s needless to say I think that I’m looking forward to starting book three in the series “Follow the Dragonfly” soon.

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